Skip the first 8 minutes when I was just getting set up.
Email Marketing Strategy for Affiliate Marketers.
Email marketing strategy for affiliate marketers. Free 60-minute video details the email marketing strategy I’ve used for over 20 years. In this video, John Barker shares insights on improving email marketing strategies for affiliate marketers. He addresses key areas in managing email lists and communicating effectively with subscribers:
1. Overcoming Email Bottlenecks:
Barker discusses how many affiliates struggle with sending emails, especially when they lack inspiration. He highlights the importance of having pre-written content in autoresponders as an effective email marketing strategy to maintain consistent communication, but also acknowledges the need for broadcast emails when subscribers move beyond automated messages.
2. Naming Your Subscribers:
He suggests creating an identity for your subscribers to make them feel part of a group. Barker gives examples like Gary Bencivenga‘s use of “Top Gun” and contrasts it with the more controversial approach of the “Rich Jerk,” who termed his subscribers “loser”, advising that the identity should be positive.
3. Naming Your List:
It’s crucial to name your email list in a way that reminds subscribers of why they joined. This strategy helps with brand recognition and reduces confusion when people forget who you are after signing up. Examples include “Affiliate Marketing Tips” or “Survey Funnels.”
4. Setting Up a Dedicated Email Address:
Barker advises setting up a dedicated email address for your list to avoid spam issues and maintain professionalism. He recommends avoiding generic addresses like Gmail or Yahoo, which can often be flagged as spam.
5. Thank You Page Best Practices:
He stresses the importance of customizing your thank you page after a subscriber opts in. Instead of using the default message from email marketing services (e.g., “Check your email”), he encourages affiliates to offer additional value on the thank you page and keep subscribers engaged.
Email Marketing Strategy for Affiliate Marketers.
Barker emphasizes the need for a more personalized, thoughtful approach to email marketing to avoid common mistakes and increase engagement with subscribers. These are just a few of the items covered in the complete video. I hope you’ve gained from my email marketing strategies for affiliate marketers and the free 60-minute video detailing the email marketing strategy I’ve used for over 20 years.